Four roses (фо роузес или четыре розы)
Виды бурбона Four Roses
- Four Roses, 40%. Виски янтарного цвета с лёгким фруктовым ароматом, который является результатом шестилетней выдержки в обожжённых дубовых бочках. Вкус напитка лёгкий, фруктовый, с нотами груши, яблока и чернослива.
- Four Roses Single Barrel, 50%. Судя по названию, янтарный напиток премиум-класса с немного резким пряным ароматом и вишнёво-сливовым вкусом зреет в одной бочке в течение всего срока выдержки — 12 лет. Это самый «кукурузный» Four Roses: если остальные сорта бренда содержат около 50% кукурузных спиртов, то в этом — 60%. Бурбон оставляет длительное послевкусие с древесными нотами.
- Four Roses Small Batch, 45%. Золотисто-янтарный виски со сливочным, умеренно-сладким вкусом впервые был выпущен лимитированной серией к 120-летию бренда в 2008 году. Напиток создан из четырёх бурбонов разной выдержки, приятно пахнет фруктами и карамелью.
A Q&A With Master Distiller Brent Elliott
We know you don’t like to toot your own horn, but what makes you an ideal Master Distiller?
In many ways, I am somewhat reserved. I think that aspect of my personality and my interest in science are what led me into the field of chemistry. But, after coming to Four Roses, leaning more about Bourbon and interacting with visitors to the Distillery, I began to realize that I never felt reserved when it came to Bourbon. I think the key is the excitement that surrounds any conversation about Bourbon…from both sides!
What is your responsibility as Master Distiller?
My focus will always be what got me to where I am, and what got the Four Roses brand where it is today, and that’s quality. It will be a challenge to be as involved in Quality as I always have been and to promote a brand that I love, but it’s a challenge I welcome!If we maintain the same quality that has come to define Four Roses and I successfully share my experiences and passion with the growing number of Bourbon enthusiasts, then I will be doing my job. This brand speaks for itself, and I’m committed to maintaining the product and sharing Four Roses Bourbon with as many people as possible.
What’s been your favorite thing about working at Four Roses Bourbon thus far?
If you look at Four Roses, you can see the tremendous growth over the past 5-10 years. In that time there has been a surreal feeling of excitement surrounding the brand and the industry as a whole. As Four Roses has grown, this excitement has attracted more wonderful and passionate people to the company. Working with them and sharing in the excitement is my favorite part of being here.
What can the fans expect in years to come?
More Bourbon of the same quality they know and love. And, with our recent investments to increase our capacity, even more people will have the chance to enjoy Four Roses.
What gives you the most satisfaction at Four Roses?
I’m happiest either when I am so deep into a project or task that I lose track of everything else OR when something is finally complete and I can take a big step back and take pride in the finished project. One thing that comes to mind is the first sip of a Limited Edition after all the barrels are dumped. That’s satisfying!
Describe a typical day in the life of Brent Elliott.
Fortunately it is impossible to answer that question. Every day is different for me at Four Roses. I enjoy that there is no real routine. I mentally prepare my daily goals on my way to work every day. If I’m lucky, my day resembles my plan. Usually, it doesn’t.
Do you remember your first taste of Bourbon?
I remember my first drink of unmixed bourbon. Years ago, a good friend of mine introduced me to Bourbon on the rocks. I was very excited and grateful at the time. I’m even more grateful now, and I’ve told him so.
Where did you grow up?
Owensboro, KY.
UK or UofL?
I graduated from UK. That’s all I should say.
Do you have a favorite Four Roses recipe?
I can’t even say what my favorite Four Roses product is. It changes depending on my mood and even on the time of year. I seem to lean toward Single Barrel in the cooler months and the Yellow Label and Small Batch in the warmer months.
Are you into music? Favorite band?
I love music. Picking a favorite band or genre is similar to the question about my favorite recipe. There is a whole world of rich, wonderful music out there. There are a million tangible and intangible factors that at any particular time make a certain sound “perfect”.
How did you feel when you were named Master Distiller at Four Roses Bourbon?
Of course Joy and excitement, but more than that I felt honored thatFour Roses was putting their confidence in me.
What’s the perfect meal to accompany Four Roses Bourbon?
Because I am from Owensboro, KY, I was recently asked about pairing Bourbon with Western Kentucky Barbeque. Honestly I have not tried to pair these, yet, so I could not properly answer. However, I promise that on my next trip to Owensboro I’m going to have fun getting to the bottom of this question.
How do you prefer to drink Four Roses?
Интересные факты
- Несмотря на отсутствие этого виски на рынке США, винокурня Four Roses уже в ХХI веке 6 раз получала звание «Лучшая американская дистиллерия года».
- 50% покупателей Four Roses — женщины, которые покупают бурбон в качестве сюрприза своим мужьям. Такой выбор обусловлен дизайном бутылки, считают психологи: представительниц прекрасного пола привлекает изображение цветов на этикетке.
- В отличие от шотландских напитков и большинства американских виски, Four Roses хорошо сочетается с многими продуктами. Его часто добавляют в соусы и острые маринады, подают к обеду с мясными блюдами и как дижестив — со сладостями.
- Самый популярный лондонский коктейль Manhattan делают с бурбоном Four Roses. Выбор бармены объясняют ярко выраженным ржаным вкусом этого напитка.
- Главный мастер винокурни Four Roses сегодня — Джим Ратлидж. И когда у него спросили, в каком коктейле он пьёт бурбон, Ратлидж рассмеялся и ответил: лёд с Four Roses точно становится вкуснее.